Stine portrait

Deep dive into Stine at Herax


What are your job responsibilities?

I'm employed as a food consultant specialized in food legislation and labelling. I work with food labelling, food legislation, translations, etc. for the Danish market. Additionally, I solve requests regarding food legislation, including nutritional and health claims, whether artwork and packaging comply with Danish food legislation, assessment of other claims and images on packaging.

How long have you been working at Herax?

Since April 2023.

What do you appreciate most about your job?

Even after 12 years working with food labelling, I still learn something new every day. I continuously gain more knowledge about legislations, new products, different interpretations, etc. I enjoy immersing myself in the work to ensure that declarations and labels meet all requirements and regulations. Additionally, I have some colleagues with a big knowledge about food labelling whom it's good to collaborate with in everyday work.

What are your hobbies?

When working with food and labelling, a big interest is also cooking, primarily baking and desserts. Additionally, I enjoy running, walking, or cycling when there's time for it. Otherwise, my children aged 2 and 4 keep me busy every day.

Read more about Stine here